After publishing articles on the Survival plugin, I noticed that some new user registrations used temporary email addresses. When I […]
WordPress plugin
Why start from scratch and reinvent the wheel when you can use the WordPress boilerplate generator for writing the Survival […]
Checkbox field
In the Survival WordPress Plugin, the score table includes a Boolean field. This field is defined as tinyint(1) in the […]
Time field
In the Survival WordPress Plugin, the score table contains a Time field. To display a time value in HTML, it’s […]
Add query arguments
In the Survival WordPress plugin settings, administrators have the option to specify a URL for a Survival overview page. When […]
PHP validation in Visual Studio Code
To develop a WordPress plugin, I use Visual Studio code. While developing I realized that development is easier if Visual […]
Shakespeare Insult Web Service (2/3)
This is blog 2 of 3. This blog will learn how to create your own web service. I was unsure […]