Tab pages

To enhance access to the help pages for the Survival plugin, we propose displaying tab pages on the main help […]

CSS style test

By default, an html table  lacks significant style definition.  It merely displays data in columns, rows, and optionally includes column […]

link as button

“In the Tools page of the Survival Plugin, there are two buttons that initiate specific actions. One button triggers the […]


Thanks to some rubber-ducking with Marcel at the Zwolle WordPress meeting, I discovered a solution for minor issues in the […]

WP Security role

The Survival WordPress Plugin will be primarily used by referees and Team members. The team members want to know their […]

WordPress plugin

Why start from scratch and reinvent the wheel when you can use the WordPress boilerplate generator for writing the Survival […]

Checkbox field

In the Survival WordPress Plugin, the score table includes a Boolean field. This field is defined as tinyint(1) in the […]

Time field

In the Survival WordPress Plugin, the score table contains a Time field. To display a time value in HTML, it’s […]